Creating a Lipoedema support group

NHS Stars Series: Rachel’s Story

Rachel describes what led her to set up a support group

I love my role as a specialist nurse and feel privileged to be able to help, advise, support and guide my patients living with Lipoedema. It is not uncommon for my patients to have had a bumpy ride navigating the healthcare system prior to being referred to me. This is before it has even been recognised that they have a diagnosis of Lipoedema. As a specialist nurse in direct communication with other allied healthcare professionals, I can initiate a much-needed dialogue about the patient’s condition. Lipoedema is progressive and is commonly misdiagnosed and under-recognised. This can cause psychological issues for people with the condition. It was this, coupled with the talks I’ve had with my Lipoedema patients about their experiences, that led me to create a Lipoedema support group. It was established in 2017 and is still going strong. Lipoedema UK is a lifeline for patients – the weekly online meetings are brilliant for patients to tap into and feel part of a community. The Lipoedema UK website is informative with up-to-date information. This is much needed and a precious resource for healthcare professionals and, most importantly, for the people living with Lipoedema.

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