Letter from the Chair
Too many people with Lipoedema face daily ignorance and disinterest in their condition from the healthcare professionals they turn to for a diagnosis and support. Lipoedema has not been given the resources it deserves. Is it a coincidence that this condition affects mainly females, making it another example of a women’s health issue that has been under-resourced and underfunded for generations?
Lipoedema UK is proud of our pioneering work since 2012 highlighting the difficulties in obtaining a diagnosis and treatments for Lipoedema. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) acknowledges the need for research into treatments, especially liposuction. Research like this can’t come soon enough.
Lipoedema UK is delighted to be a founder patient association member of the Lipedema World Alliance (LWA), and part of an international collaboration promoting research and seeking solutions to make the future better for people with Lipoedema.

Sharie Fetzer
Lipoedema UK