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Join today and play a vital role in our research. Membership is available for individuals and for clinicians and healthcare professionals.

Membership benefits include access to our regular, members-only webinars – we have a programme of webinars with world-leading experts on liposuction, diet and all aspects of managing Lipoedema, as well as regular Nurse Consultant & Clinician Open Clinic webinars, which are an opportunity for members to put individual questions about symptoms, diagnosis and compression to our highly qualified, UK-based team.

Please select the membership that applies to you from the options below, and help us to change the future for people with Lipoedema.



Lipoedema UK GP Information Pack
Lipoedema UK Membership Pack
Access to upcoming and past webinars with experts
Details about research opportunities
Information about upcoming healthcare events

Clinicians & Healthcare Professionals


Lipoedema UK Healthcare Professional Pack
Access to upcoming and past webinars with experts
Details about research opportunities
Information about upcoming healthcare events
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