Emotional Support

Lipoedema is a lifelong condition. Like anyone with a chronic disease, people who have Lipoedema are likely to face psychological and social challenges alongside their physical symptoms.

Lipoedema is still not widely recognised and understood, and the fact that it’s often overlooked – and frequently mistaken for obesity – means many women experience self-doubt and feel stigmatised. Following the initial relief of discovering Lipoedema and receiving a diagnosis, some women feel despair when they hear that there is currently no cure. They may also experience anger. Many women remain angry even after diagnosis, because of the way that their legitimate complaints have been routinely dismissed, possibly for decades, by medical professionals.

Depression and anxiety can compromise a person’s ability to self-manage Lipoedema. This in turn can compound feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that already exist as a result of a person’s inability to lose weight from the affected parts of their body. They may also experience confusion if their shape is radically different from that of their friends or family members.

Talking through feelings and accessing emotional support can be a great help at this stage. Whenever possible, the availability of appropriate support from healthcare professionals with knowledge of Lipoedema and its management can be beneficial. It’s important to discuss any feelings of anxiety or depression with a GP in the first instance, and to investigate which treatment options should be considered (such as medication), or if a referral is necessary. This may be to a clinical psychologist or to individual/group counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) or mindfulness techniques.

Support needs and preferences for people impacted by Lipoedema

In 2022, 318 people with Lipoedema responded to an online survey from the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) at the University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol, on the areas in which they would most like support. Along with information about possible treatments, the areas that respondents rated most highly for support were pain management, accepting their appearance and body image. This poster shows the full results of the survey.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

NICE recommends Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as being useful for people with long-term conditions such as Lipoedema. In contrast to many forms of psychotherapy, CBT is a solution-focused approach to treatment. The goal of CBT is to help people get better and stay better. Therapists and clients work together as a team to identify and solve problems, and therapists help clients overcome their difficulties by changing their thinking, behaviour and emotional responses.

CBT interventions will be adapted to take account of legitimate and specific issues related to Lipoedema. The main focus is likely to be on:

  • Support – communicating that Lipoedema is a long-term condition and not the fault of the individual
  • Empathy – recognising the negativity women with Lipoedema experience
  • Intellect – working through the grief to accept the reality and implications of the diagnosis
  • Psychology – identifying what a diagnosis of Lipoedema means to the individual, how it impacts their view of the past, present and future, themselves, other people, and the world
  • Behaviour – defining what actions are necessary to construct new ways of living, to reorganise behaviour and lifestyle
  • Assertiveness – being able to access adequate treatment, report problems, educate oneself about the condition, and network with others to share experiences and receive support
  • Social issues – adjusting to a reorganisation of family and social structure
  • Practical steps – developing strategies for managing health. For example, introducing hydrotherapy or water-based aerobics into weekly routines; and referral to an Occupational Therapist to assess for any aids or equipment that may be helpful in carrying out daily activities
  • Physiological support – teaching relaxation and stress-management techniques * Facilitation – introducing group therapy and support groups

CBT uses the Socratic dialogue method of guided discovery. This is a non-judgmental way to help people learn from their own experiences, focus on the most relevant information, shift from set ideas to more abstract exploration, and apply new knowledge and evidence to re-evaluate prior conclusions or develop a new idea. CBT can help change a patient’s attitude towards Lipoedema as an individual, and promote productive, positive ways to learn to cope and live well with this long-term condition.​

Where to get help

The resources listed below can help anyone experiencing mental health difficulties as a result of living with Lipoedema.

  • IAPT services on the NHS are largely available through self-referral.
  • GPs can refer patients to local Community Mental Health Services (CMHT).
  • For private therapists, visit the UK Council for Psychotherapy. Many therapists will charge according to income.
  • If help is required immediately, contact Samaritans (t: 116 123) or Mind.
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